Consumer Protection

Consumer protection refers to a set of laws, regulations, and practices designed to safeguard the rights and interests of consumers in the marketplace. It aims to prevent consumers from fraud, unfair trade practices, and unsafe products, ensuring that they are informed, treated fairly, and provided with adequate standards of safety and quality. Consumer protection encompasses various areas, including product labeling, advertising, warranty provisions, and the right to seek redress for breaches of consumer rights. Agencies or organizations often enforce these protections at local, national, and international levels, and they may also involve creating awareness and education campaigns to inform consumers of their rights and powers in the marketplace. Overall, consumer protection is essential for promoting consumer confidence and fostering fair competition among businesses.

Bissell 폐기물 집중 검사 – 안전 및 환경을 보호하기 위한 조치

미국 소비자제품안전위원회에 따르면, 잠재적인 "화재 위험"을 야기하는 과열된 리튬이온 배터리 팩으로 인해 Bissell 진공 청소기 100,000대가 리콜되었습니다. 목요일 전국적으로 총 142,000대의 Bissell Multi Reach Hand and Floor 진공 청소기가 리콜되었으며…