Home Appliances

Home appliances are electrical or mechanical devices designed to assist in household tasks and improve convenience in everyday life. They typically include items used for cooking, cleaning, food preservation, and other domestic functions. Common examples of home appliances include refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, and vacuum cleaners. These appliances can be categorized into major appliances, which are larger and typically stationary, such as stoves and refrigerators, and small appliances, which are portable and used for specific tasks, like blenders and toasters. Home appliances are essential for improving efficiency in the home, saving time, and enhancing comfort in daily routines.

Bissell 폐기물 집중 검사 – 안전 및 환경을 보호하기 위한 조치

미국 소비자제품안전위원회에 따르면, 잠재적인 "화재 위험"을 야기하는 과열된 리튬이온 배터리 팩으로 인해 Bissell 진공 청소기 100,000대가 리콜되었습니다. 목요일 전국적으로 총 142,000대의 Bissell Multi Reach Hand and Floor 진공 청소기가 리콜되었으며…