전기차 배터리 수명 개선을 통한 글로벌 전기화 이동 가속 가능성
미국 전역에 퍼진 최근의 북극 폭풍은 일부 전기차 소유자들에게 큰 곤란을 초래했습니다. 일리노이와 미시간부터 텍사스까지 전기차 배터리의 빠른 방전, 충전이 느려지는 현상, 긴 줄서기, 배터리 전원이 고갈돼 견인되는 사례들이 보고되었습니다.…
The term “전기차” (jeongi-cha) translates to “electric vehicle” (EV) in English. An electric vehicle is a type of automobile that is powered entirely or partially by electricity, utilizing electric motors for propulsion instead of relying on traditional internal combustion engines that run on gasoline or diesel. Electric vehicles are distinguished by their use of rechargeable batteries or fuel cells to store and convert electrical energy into mechanical energy for movement.
Electric vehicles are often associated with environmental benefits, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and lower air pollution, especially when charged from renewable energy sources. They can come in various forms, including fully electric vehicles (BEVs), which operate solely on electric power, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which combine electric motors with internal combustion engines, allowing for a hybrid approach to driving.
The development and adoption of electric vehicles have been encouraged in many regions to promote sustainability and fight climate change. With advancements in battery technology, electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, offering improved range, performance, and efficiency compared to their gasoline-powered counterparts.
미국 전역에 퍼진 최근의 북극 폭풍은 일부 전기차 소유자들에게 큰 곤란을 초래했습니다. 일리노이와 미시간부터 텍사스까지 전기차 배터리의 빠른 방전, 충전이 느려지는 현상, 긴 줄서기, 배터리 전원이 고갈돼 견인되는 사례들이 보고되었습니다.…